Lash Extension 101.png

--->> What are the extensions made of?

At Eye Candy Beauty + Boutique, we use only the highest quality products. Our lashes are made of a synthetic silk fiber and are semi-permanent. We have a variety of thicknesses, lengths and curls to achieve the look you are going for and to accommodate the many different eye shapes and ethnicities of our clients.

--->> What different "types" of lashes are there? 

We get it. There are SO. MANY. OPTIONS. It's hard to choose a service when you're unfamiliar with the terms. We'll explain what each of them means and their benefits to give you a better understanding of what you're getting yourself into.

CLASSIC LASH EXTENSIONS - These are the original technique of extensions. One eyelash extension is applied to one, isolated, natural lash. You can get as full as you have natural lashes, so if you want a very full look and you have sparse lashes, this isn't going to be your best option. Now, years have obviously passed since this began, so materials and styles have given more variety and potential to this type of set. There are different diameters, curls, lengths and colors to really customize the look. There are also flat lashes, which look thick, but have less weight than the thicker diameter lash, so you're getting a fuller look without adding more weight. This is best for lash newbies or those who want a natural look or who have a full lash line. Not to say anyone outside of those parameters shouldn't get it done, but since you can only get as full as you have of natural lashes, you're limited. 

HYBRID LASH EXTENSIONS - This service combines both techniques of classic and volume to create the best of both worlds. With both techniques, this is a great introduction to volume and seeing the potential it can give. It also is great for those who need just a bit more volume or have sparse areas. 

 VOLUME LASH EXTENSIONS - When you want VOLUME, you get these. During the service, we are hand-making volume fans to apply to one, isolated, natural lash. This creates a fluffy, full set of lashes. Each volume fan has anywhere from 2-6 lashes on it, creating fullness that you may not have naturally. This is why it's amazing for those who have a sparse lash line, fine lashes or those who want really full lashes. 

--->> What kind of adhesive is used? Does it have formaldehyde as an ingredient?

 We use a medical grade adhesive that is formaldehyde free. Our adhesives are low odor and cause little to no sensitivity. If you are already aware of a sensitivity to lash adhesive, please advise your lash stylist immediately. 

 --->> How are the extensions applied and how long does the process take?

Classic lash extensions are applied 1:1 to your natural lashes, meaning 1 extension to 1 natural lash, using a medical grade adhesive. Volume lashes are really lightweight lashes (much lighter than classics) that are manipulated by hand or by the assistance of specially made tweezers to create a fan or bouquet of lashes that is then placed onto a single natural lash. 

When you come in for your initial full set, your lash stylist will discuss with you what type of look you are going for and measure your lashes to determine what lengths/thicknesses and curl will be used. The time of application can take anywhere from 1.5 - 2 hours, depending on the amount of natural lashes. 

--->> What should I expect during my first appointment?

 At your first appointment, your lash stylist will consult with you about the look you are trying to achieve. Then, we will take a look at your natural lashes to see if that is something we can make happen. If not, the stylist will discuss with you what your options are based on your natural lashes. We will take before/after photos of you (required by our insurance company) and we may ask you if we can use them for our website and look book but this is not something you have to do if you are not comfortable. Before getting started, your lash stylist will explain the entire application process, what to expect, and answer any questions you may have. 

 During the application, you will be laying down with your eyes closed the entire time. Your lash stylist will begin applying the lashes one by one to your natural lashes, working back and forth between the eyes. You won't feel anything during the application. There is no itching, burning, stinging, pain, or any other discomfort. MOST PEOPLE FALL ASLEEP! So lay back, relax and let's take a lash nap!

Your lash stylist will also go over our recommended care and maintenance with you while applying your first set. After the application is complete, you will have a few minutes of drying time and then…..the BIG REVEAL!! 

 ----->> Yea but, how long do the extensions last?

The extensions are applied to your natural lash and will grow and shed with your natural lash during it’s own growth cycle. Your lashes are constantly growing and shedding and typical lash loss is 1-5 lashes per day, per eye. Normally, we don’t notice this loss as each lash is at it’s own step in the growing cycle. An average lash growth cycle is 4-6 weeks, so within 4-6 weeks, most extensions will have shed off with the natural lash. The life of the extensions is determined on how quickly your natural lashes grow and shed and also how well you are caring for your extensions.

 --->> OK but, how often should I come in for maintenance or fills?

This really depends again on the natural growth cycle of your lashes and how well you are caring for them. A typical lash cycle is approximately 4 - 6 weeks, so you can expect to have shed approximately 50% of the extensions by the end of week 3.  Most of our clients prefer to come in around week 2 or 3 for a fill and maintenance. However we also have several clients that come once a month. During the fill appointment, your lash stylist will go through the lashes and separate any that have clumped together. We remove any extensions that are overly outgrown or have not shed yet and then fill in the new or available natural lashes with new extensions so you leave looking brand spankin' new again. 

--->> I heard that extensions will damage my natural lashes. Is that true?

NO. Just. No. Properly applied eyelash extensions will not cause damage to your natural lashes. This is why it is SO SO important that your lash stylist apply lash lengths/thicknesses and/or a total weight that is safe and comfortable for your natural lashes. 

BUT.... improperly caring for your lashes can cause damage! Pulling, tugging, and playing with your extensions is very stressful to your natural lash. You risk breaking off your natural lashes near the base or completely pulling out the natural lash which can be damaging to the hair follicle. Long term excessive damage to the hair follicle can cause the follicle to not produce another lash, and we definitely don't want that. 

--->> I had eyelash extensions applied only a few days ago and a few have fallen out---why??

Remember, you are constantly growing and shedding lashes. A person can lose 1-5 lashes (and extensions) per day, per eye. This is common and shouldn’t be a cause for alarm! If you are experiencing more loss than this, you should contact your lash stylist to determine what could be happening. 

--->> Can I wear make up? What about Mascara?

 You can wear makeup, of course!

We do NOT recommend mascara on your extensions but you CAN wear mascara on your lower lashes. With makeup, you may want to steer clear of any cream eyeshadows or gel eyeliners. These are typically an oil based product and could break down the adhesive causing pre-mature lash loss. Lash extensions give you a bolder, thicker lash line removing the need to wear eyeliner at all!  If you do still want to apply liner, try not to drag the pencil across the base of the extensions. You may catch the extension and could pull it out if you are not careful. We also recommend using a stiff eyeliner brush and eyeshadow vs the pencil. It is much easier to get the powder in between the lashes for that bold lash line and is much easier to clean up than liquid liners or waterproof pens/pencils.

 --->> So how do I clean my eyes and extensions?

Cleaning around the eye area with extensions can be tricky! You definitely want to keep your eye area clean and oil free as possible. We recommend using our After Care Kit. This comes with a concentrated Lash Shampoo, foaming pump bottle, cleansing brush, and mascara wands. PERFECT to keep your lashes healthy and clean! We also recommend OIL-FREE pre-moistened eye makeup remover pads or face wipes. Just wrap around your index finger and give your lids a swipe! Try to avoid using anything with cotton: cotton balls, pads, Q-tips, Kleenex, etc. Those little fibers can get caught in your extensions and it is a nightmare to remove them!

 --->> What should I do before my lash appointment?

Relax. Reading these FAQ’s and lash care tips is a great start. If you have any additional questions about the initial appointment, please give us a call to discuss.

When you come in for your first appointment, you will fill out a confidential client info sheet (if you haven't done so online) and will meet your lash stylist. You will want to make sure you come in mascara/make-up free. Fresh eyes are VERY important for application and can make or break how well the extensions bond. You will also want to have some sort of an idea of what type of look you want to go for.... natural, more volume, more length, all the above?  Please see our gallery and Facebook page for photos!

To find the confidential client information form, go to our BOOK NOW page by clicking HERE. Log into our scheduling system to access your account. The form can be accessed directly from your account. 

If you didn't create an account, you can click the "change/cancel appointment" button on your confirmation email. This will take you to your appointment where you can also complete the form and/or sign up for an account.

--->> What types of looks do people generally go for?

Here at Eye Candy, we have several different lengths, thicknesses and curls to create a completely customized look. The extensions are going to be thicker than your natural lash regardless, so you will see added volume and thickness either way. We generally have clients that go for a variation of these three standard looks:

         >>   Natural  <<  This would be a slightly exaggerated look from your natural lashes. Almost as if you are just wearing a really great mascara.

         >>  Natural w/ a "POP" <<  A more exaggerated look from your natural lashes, by adding a little thickness and extra length, accentuating either under the brow bone for added lift or adding length to the outer corners for a flirty cat-eye flip.

          >> Glamour/Diva <<  All out, big, long, thick and glammed out lashes!!

Our most common look is the Natural with a "POP" look. Remember that your natural lashes can only hold so much length/weight!  Your lash stylist will recommend the best version for you and will use different techniques and a variety of sizes to get you the look you are going for. We promise! 

 --->> How much are fill appointments and how long do they take? 

The fill appointments are shorter in time than the full set application and are scheduled based on how long you would like your Lash Stylist to spend "filling" your lashes.

During a lash fill, your Lash Stylist will brush through your lashes and separate any lashes that have clustered or clumped together. Then they will go through and remove any extensions that are outgrown, lifting, or otherwise not up to our standards. This process is the "CLEAN UP".

Once the clean up has been completed, it's time to PUMP YOU UP. Your Lash Stylist will now go through and apply lash extensions to any available natural lashes. This is the final step in the "fill" process. And now... VOILA! You are back and better than before baby! 


45 Min Fill ---->> This touch up is perfect for clients who want to keep their lashes ON POINT. Approx. 30 - 40 extensions per eye. Typically clients have about 75% of extensions remaining. (Recommended for clients 1 - 2 weeks from previous appt)  

60 Min Fill ---->> Our most popular fill! Approx. 40 - 60 extensions per eye. Typically clients have about 50% - 60% of extensions remaining. (Recommended to clients 2 - 3 week from previous appt)

75 Min Fill ---->> Pump, pump, pump it up! Our longest fill appointment is perfect for those with amazing retention, long distances to travel or those who are just too busy to come in more often.  Approx. 60 - 80 extensions per eye. Typically clients have about 30 - 50% of extensions remaining. (Recommended for clients 3 weeks or more from previous appt )


Also --- if you come in for your lash appointment and have more loss than expected, we can only work for the allotted time based on the type of appointment scheduled. If you need additional time, and your Lash Stylist's schedule allows, you may add on time in 15 minutes increments up to 75 minutes. If your Lash Stylist's schedule does not allow additional time to be added, another appointment will need to be scheduled in the future.***

 --->> I tried lash extensions and they just aren’t for me? How can I get them off and what are my options?

DO NOT ATTEMPT TO REMOVE THE LASH EXTENSIONS ON YOUR OWN. Eye Candy Beauty + Boutique provides a safe + easy removal process. Give us a call ASAP and we'll get you set up for an appointment. The removal includes applying a cream/gel like remover to the base of the extensions and after 15-20 min, the adhesive is broken down enough that the extension slides off the natural lash easily. We cannot GUARANTEE that this process will cause NO damage but it is one of the best options aside from letting them grow out naturally. 

The 2nd safest way to remove the extensions is to allow them to grow and shed off naturally. This allows your natural lash to go through it’s entire cycle and produce a new, healthy lash. DO NOT pick at the extensions or pull them off yourself!! You can severely and permanently damage your natural lashes this way.

--->> Can I touch the lashes? 

Resist the urge to touch your lashes. No touching, picking, pulling or playing with them. The more you touch them, the more tangled they become and you risk the chance of pulling the extension off your lash or even pulling out your natural lash, which could damage the follicle. Plus, the more you touch them, the more oil/dirt from your hands is being transferred to the extensions.

--->> Can I get my extensions wet? 

YES. The extensions are completely waterproof. However, we do not recommend sticking your face directly in the shower water, as the pressure alone could cause damage to your lashes. 

--->> Should I avoid any particular products? 

YES! No moisture-rich products should be applied to your lashes or near your lash line while wearing extensions. This includes products that contain oil, glycerin, polyethylene glycol, or any glycol type ingredients. Check your products for a list of ingredients. These ingredients will affect how well the extensions bond to your natural lash, and could result in pre-mature shedding. 

--->> Can I use mascara on my extensions?

NO MASCARA OR EYELASH CURLERS! This is one of the BIGGEST BENEFITS of lash extensions, yet some people still want to coat them in mascara. Don't do it! The extensions are already pre-polished and pre-curled to give the look of mascara without having to add the excess weight and stress to your natural lashes. If you are wanting a more bold of a look, talk to your lash stylist about this to achieve the look you are going for with a different size/thickness extension. Using mascara will cause your extensions to become very clumpy, tangled and heavy. Mascara is a thick clay that leaves a residue that takes literally days to remove without heavy rubbing. Just. Don't. Do. It. 

--->> Should I clean or brush/comb my extensions often?

YES, YES AND MORE YES!!! Please cleanse and brush your extensions daily in order to remove dirt, makeup, sweat, and any other contaminants that could effect retention. We offer the PERFECT AFTERCARE KIT for lash extensions. Please ask your Lash Stylist for more details.

You should also receive a mini aftercare kit after your initial appointment. Use the mascara wands in this kit to brush/comb your lashes. We recommend brushing your lashes right after cleansing or when you step out of the shower, as the adhesive is a little more pliable from the warmth/humidity so you can get them in place and once you step into the cooler air, it will re-set the lashes.

--->>  What if I sleep on my face?

YOU WILL NEVER SLEEP AGAIN. I'm kidding... or am I? No of course I am. Try to avoid sleeping with your face "in" your pillow. Tossing and turning with your face in the pillow can be pretty abrasive and could cause possible damage. We recommend either sleeping on your back or if you sleep on your side, sleep with your face hanging off the edge of the pillow. Just ask your stylist for a quick demo - the laugh is no charge! 

We also have eye masks and specially contoured pillows available. Contact your lash stylist for more details.